My name Nini and I’m a MA Service Design student at Royal College of Art. I’ve been working as a visual and UIUX designer for the Field Museum, PSFK, 富爾特科技Fullerton Technology & ASUS for the past three years. I’m very passionate about all kinds of design and I’m continuing with my education focusing more on Social Innovation and Service Design.
Feel free to contact me through any social media links below if you want to connect with me!
Also, check out my resume!
嗨!我叫Nini 林曼寧,目前就讀皇家藝術學院服務設計系,2017畢業於芝加哥藝術學院 (SAIC)視覺傳達系。我對於社會創新設計以及服務設計都保有熱忱!對我的作品有任何疑問都歡迎與我聯絡!